Hello there dear readers,
I wanted to apologize for the delay in posting my account of Tokyo and my photos. I’ll keep it simple but life has gotten in the way and kept me from blogging. I promise things are on the way within a week’s time.
That said I have some exciting news:
Long Pork is coming to New York for the NYC Sketchfest!
The Gentlemen of Long Pork will be performing at the UCB Theatre on Friday June 11th at 8pm!
I cannot wait to introduce all my friends in NY to the group, I’ll keep y’all posted as soon as we find out ticket information.
Inorder to make this all happen however we are having a fundraiser/concert for the group this Thursday at the Hideout right here in Chicago! The details are as follows:
Long Pork Presents: Hit Yourself In The Face With A Guitar!
9pm April 29th 2010
The Hideout
1354 W. Wabansia Ave
Chicago Il 60642
Featuring Performances by Common Shiner Barehand Jug Band and of course Long Pork themselves. Only $10!
The event should be a lot of fun, I can’t wait to see everyone there!