I’m usually not one to blog about other people’s events, but I truly believe that my friend Anna and Johalla Projects are up to good things here.
‘POCKET CHANGE’ is a collaboration art/music series with The Empty Bottle. The event is being held to raise money to fund public arts projects throughout Chicago.
This Thursday, Feb 20, 2014, at 9 P.M. ‘POCKET CHANGE’ will feature the work of Ryan Duggan entitled ‘LAST CALL O-MATIC.’ Ryan will install a modified vending machine that will dispense “last call” pick up lines and fake phone numbers.
Additionally, the event will feature a DJ set by Heather Gabel. Heather is a fantastic artist in her own right, probably best known for her work with the band Alkaline Trio.
Admission is $5 and includes a complimentary Pabst Blue Ribbon.
The last of these events was in October and featured the work of Heather Gabel and Matt Skiba at which I shot this image as part of my Impossible Year project:
So come on down and enjoy great art, listen to great music, and help make Chicago more interesting. All while enjoying everyone’s favorite low-brow brew. What’s not to like?
My dear friend Laura is having an album release show at the Double Door in Chicago on August 18th. I did the photo and design work for the poster you see above.
Needless to say, I think it’s going to be a great show. If you can make it, you should attend.
I often feel silly handing out my business cards when I meet people; while I’m mostly known as a photographer, my card still says “Graphic Design for Web and Print.”
These days, I tell people I’m not a designer, but the truth is really something else. It doesn’t happen often, but with the right amount of coaxing, I can be convinced to do a poster or logo design.
Since I don’t share this stuff too often, I thought I’d do so today:
The Bam Theory – Logo for upcoming MMA movie project by Bear Frazer, Kickstarter page soon!
This got me thinking last night, especially when contrasted with this. Tesla’s letterhead is striking, artistic, and thought-provoking. Edison, however goes for a more distinguished look that I think is boring, unoriginal, and lacking creativity.
Those who know me will tell you, in addition to being a design nerd, that I’ve got a quirky sense of humor. This is often misinterpreted and rubs people the wrong way because I tend to appear like an opinionated jerk. In reality, I like to challenge people’s ways of thinking, I enjoy arguing strange or absurd points and do so with a passion. I don’t always agree with the point I’m making, but I enjoy provoking someone sure of their beliefs out of their comfort zone.
I have been known to joke about the concept of death, and I am fascinated by people’s seriousness around the topic. Whether you are religious or not (I’m not), death to me has always seemed like just another phase of life. I’ve lost people I love and in some pretty tragic ways, and I don’t make light of that. However, when I talk of my death, I want people to chuckle, I don’t want to be mourned. I’d much rather there be a big party in my honor than a grieving. I want my sense of humor to be reflected; normal is boring.
I’m very fortunate to have made some amazing friends who, thankfully, appreciate my antagonistic behavior and sense of humor. In the event of my death, I’ve made two of them, Dan and Christine, responsible for certain things. Dan, I’ve asked to eulogize me but only if he leads off with the following:
“John was not a great man, he wasn’t even a good man, but he did have a really sweet setup for his Sega Dreamcast”
The thing is, I’m not kidding. Dan thinks I am, but I’m not. I’ve made him promise to say that under penalty of haunting. IE: If he doesn’t say it, and there is a way for me to do it, I will haunt him from the afterlife. And believe me, I will, he knows it too, and assuming he outlives me, Dan has reluctantly agreed.
The other ritual in the event if my death is my headstone inscription, for which Christine is responsible. To explain that, you need to understand something else.
I hate Thomas Edison.
Yeah, I know, pretty random. That statement tends to piss off or confuse people. Especially coming from someone who works in technology, claims to be a Buddhist (it’s called “practicing” for a reason), and tries not to use the word “hate” anymore.
But seriously, fuck Thomas Edison.
I’m not discounting his impact on the world at large; I just think the man was an asshole. We grow up being taught a lot of things in elementary school that we accept as truths that later in life, we often learn the horrible reality about. Need an example? Christopher Columbus was a brutal murder who discovered nothing, Gandhi beat his wife, and Sylvester Stallone is not that tall in person.
However, when I tell this to people (especially those from New Jersey) they often don’t believe me, “How could you seriously speak ill of ‘The father of invention?!'”
Then I show them this:
They usually get it then.
Yes, Thomas Edison electrocuted an elephant to show the “superiority” of his direct current vs. Nikola Tesla’s alternating current. Edison’s rivalry with Tesla is extremely well documented, and the man went to outlandish lengths to prove himself right, to discredit Tesla and to destroy his life.
In the end, Edison was wrong, but he managed to nearly erase Tesla from the popular vernacular. To this day, most in our society have no clue who Tesla was and think of Edison when they think of electricity.
Learning of this made me rethink much of what I thought I knew. I love occurrences like that, stuff that subvert and disrupt the status quo and evoke thought. That, to me, is what subism is about.
It’s because of my beliefs as a subist and these enlightening truths that I want my death not to be taken seriously. I’d rather make someone laugh at society or think than cry for me. This is why I’ve also made Christine responsible inscription on my headstone, which will read exactly as follows:
“Fuck Thomas Edison. Seriously.”
If that offends you, good. If it makes you smile, even better.
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