Business Chicago Technology

SEO Food For Thought: Critical Mass Chicago

In Chicago there are two prominent “brands” that operate under the name “Critical Mass.”

One is a digital PR agency.

The other is a monthly gathering of cyclists who flood the streets with bikes on the last Friday of every month.

One represents brands such as Clorox, Nissan, AT&T, and Rolex on the internet. Including brand monitoring and campaign management.

The other has no branding, no official leaders, and a very loose digital presence.

Guess which one has better SEO?

Excuse me, I’ve got a bike to go ride.

Chicago Design

Still a designer…

I often feel silly handing out my business cards when I meet people; while I’m mostly known as a photographer, my card still says “Graphic Design for Web and Print.”

These days, I tell people I’m not a designer, but the truth is really something else. It doesn’t happen often, but with the right amount of coaxing, I can be convinced to do a poster or logo design.

Since I don’t share this stuff too often, I thought I’d do so today:

The Bam Theory Movie Logo

The Bam Theory – Logo for upcoming MMA movie project by Bear Frazer, Kickstarter page soon!

Chicago Ladies In Comedy

CLIC – Chicago Ladies In Comedy

Faye Garfinkle - Personal Branding
Faye Garfinkle – Engineer, Personal Branding

Pop culture

Bob Sheppard

I speak often of Yankee Stadium being my one true home but there was a presence there that to me epitomized baseball. It was the voice of Bob Sheppard.

To me the defining moment of a Yankee world series game always came down to one moment, one moment of bottled up intensity that sent the crowd into a fever, it was excitement exemplified and it came at the bottom 8th inning…


Enter Sandman hits on the PA, and the crowd rises to their feet as Metallica’s anthem begins to pump through their veins like the fuel injection of a car.

“Now pitching for the New York Yankees… number forty two Mariano Rivera.”


It was Bob Sheppard’s voice.

Bob’s presence is the perfect contrast to Metallica’s it reminds the fans that this is class, this is prestige, this is the New York Yankees, the greatest sports franchise of all time.

Bob’s voice is that brand, it is the Yankees. Thank you for all the memories Bob, may you sleep soundly.